Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Here are some belly pictures. The small belly picture (hair down) is 16 weeks and the larger belly picture (hair up) is 20 weeks.....Oh how things grow!! We had our ultrasound appointment 04/21/09 and the baby is very healthy and growing as expected; however the ultrasound tech was unable to determine the sex, so we will be surprised in September!!

New photo: The newest pic..top left is 27 weeks...i missed 24 weeks (time just flies). The baby is kicking like mad. My stomach moves and everything..it is very cool. I have not felt hiccups yet, but I hear they will be coming. I must say it is getting harder to bend down and tie my shoes!
New photo: The newest picture at the top is 32 weeks! We only have 8 more weeks to go. Adam and I are busy getting the house ready and learning about breast feeding, lamaz, and how to care for a newborn!! ALL VERY EXCITING

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Here comes the belly. The pregnancy is going well. I have the ultrasound appointment on Tuesday (04/21/09) and will hopefully find out if its a boy or girl...stay tuned for ultrasound pictures!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hello and welcome to our website. I will add more pictures as I figure out how to naviage this site